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Burova Tekhnika successfully completed the regular stages of drilling mud services

In September, NTP Burova Tekhnika LLC once again successfully completed the intermediate stages of providing drilling mud services in three wells, resulting in trouble-free drilling of these intervals, successful landing and cementing of casing strings.

Thus, the stage of drilling and casing of 245 mm intermediate (4,740m deep) and 178 mm production strings (5,384m deep) was successfully completed at the wells No. 126 and No. 128 of the Berezivske field respectively. The customer of services was Ukrgazvydobuvannya JSC.

The stage of drilling mud services was also successfully completed for one of the largest private companies Ukrnaftoburinnya PrJSC, where drilling mud provided no drilling complications and well casing with 178 mm production string (4,565m deep).


2,500-4,300m Ø 215.9 mm interval for 178 mm casing string
Polymer-salt system
Drilling of the well with a diameter of 215,9 mm and casing with 178 mm casing string to a depth of 4,300 m.
            The polymer-salt drilling mud system from the previous interval is used for drilling of 2500-4300 m interval.
The polymer-salt system with high content of potassium chloride stabilized with RP-SM and PAC LV starch reagent has high stability of structural-mechanical, rheological and filtration properties. The polymer-potassium system with low content of clay phase is stable in its technological properties under harsh physical and chemical conditions up to a temperature of 160ºС. The polymer-potassium system is a non-dispersive system and has high inhibitory properties due to the content of K+ ions. The system, while drilling, almost completely halts the hydration of clay minerals that are part of drill cuttings, prevents their chemical dispersion and increases their resistance to mechanical destruction. Optimal content of polymers in solution provides high stability of the system, gratifying lubricating properties. To enhance the lubrication properties while drilling, the solution is treated with oil and special Eco-Lube additive.

The key to the excellent fulfillment of the tasks set by the Customer are qualitative, proven drilling mud systems, high staff qualification and perfect logistics.

It should be noted that NTP Burova Tekhnika LLC is well experienced in providing drilling mud services to these companies. So, the company successfully provided services on 6 wells of Ukrgazvydobuvannya JSC and 7 wells of Ukrnaftoburinnya PrJSC.


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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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