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Andrei Starostin
Director of «Ukrgeotsentr» Ltd.
Candidate of Geological Sciences

When implementing the basic program to enhance oil and gas production in Ukraine, the main challenge for service contractors became the introduction of systemic changes in the delivery of services. One of them is geophysical well logging. It is logging while drilling new wells and operating existing ones is the most important system of information support for making managerial decisions. Existing state standards was written yet in Soviet times and amended in 2007. Unfortunately, the recommended complexes do not comply with the current level of global research. The main task of the Ukrainian logging service is to move to the modern level of the delivery of services by improving, first of all, hardware and software.

Logging service can be divided into two directions:
- studying the properties of rocks and their fluid saturation;
- solving technical problems while constructing and operating wells.
Getting a detailed picture of the rocks opened by the well is a priority task of logging. More information can be obtained from research while drilling. After the casing of the wellbore, geophysics is limited in a number of physical fields. Complex conditions of research, such as pressure, temperature, chemical compositions of drilling fluids, reservoir properties encouraged the improvement and expansion of research complexes. Due to the progress in processor technology, geophysics received the most useful tool - the computing capabilities of large amounts of data in a short time. It is because of technical improvements in combination with mathematical capabilities, radioactive research has moved to a fundamentally new level of getting information on the lithological composition of rocks and their saturation.
The introduction of new logging complexes is, first of all, a new look at the fields as a whole. Large discreteness of the input parameters and the ability to conduct research in the operating well stock without killing the well provides the opportunity to find out the missing reservoirs and take a fresh look at reservoirs with low reservoir properties.

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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