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Oleksandr Tertychenko. RESULTS 2020


What was the last year for you?

The current year was not easy both for me personally and for the oil and gas industry, enterprises and organizations of various activities in Ukraine and worldwide. There were many obstacles and challenges related to adaptation to new working conditions during lockdown. The real challenge was not only to maintain the volumes we managed to achieve, but, on the contrary, to increase them.


What, in your opinion, should be done first to restore the industry and successfully move forward in the new environment?

In my opinion, the state should provide appropriate conditions right now to make the domestic industry attractive for investments. I mean a revision of royalty rates downwards, taking into account the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the additional introduction of special rental conditions for hard-to-recover reserves, which could guarantee an increase in domestic gas and oil production in the future.


What do you consider the main achievement of the year? (Personal/your company’s)

In fact, I can hardly single out any achievement, as each of them is very important. In our work we introduced a number of latest technologies, which were the first not only in Ukraine but also in Europe in general. We offered and successfully implemented several types of services that were not previously presented in the country. For the first time, the work was carried out remotely with process control, being in the office, and not directly on the well, as was done before. The results of all these achievements are positive feedbacks from our customers.


What advice would you give to your colleagues? What will help businesses better adapt to changes?

First of all, make a bet on the team. Latest equipment or technologies worth nothing without first-class specialists and their coordinated work. And this applies not only to a separate group, which is directly involved in the work. It's about the interaction of the whole team and understanding between departments and areas.


What are your goals for next year?

Our goals are to learn, evolve, set new goals and achieve them.

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