At the end of June 2019, Ukrgazvydobuvannya Service branch first held a multi-stage HF


The service branch executed the multistage HF on its own, modernized fleet owned by the state company. The four-stage HF is a level of modern international companies, and it was previously impossible for the Ukrainian state-owned company: such jobs were rather expensive and carried out by foreign specialists using imported equipment. Oleg Hnativ, Head of the HF service of UGV Service branch of Ukrgazvydobuvannya JSC, told about the peculiarities of this technology.

According to Oleg Hnativ, multi-stage HF requires more thorough preparation of the well for lowering multi-stage layout using couplings and HF packers, the accuracy of calculations, the uninterrupted operation of the fracturing equipment when performing works.

The peculiarity or difference of a multi-stage fracturing from a one-stage fracturing is that several HF operations are carried out in turn, cycle by cycle. The assembly of this system provides for the use of a special liner with a suspension device. This liner is equipped with couplings having holes, which, after the liner lowering, are located opposite each of the intervals of perforation isolated with annular packers. The hydraulic fracture in these intervals is carried out in turn, starting from the well bottom. Upon completion of each HF stage, a ball of the appropriate diameter is thrown into the well, which isolates the previous interval and opens a hole opposite the next HF interval.

It is this technology was chosen for the well, since it was required considering the occurrence of layers, the distance between them and the geological conditions. In addition, the method encouraged significant time savings for HF operations compared to the traditional conducting of each stage.

As for the further application of multistage fracturing in Ukrgazvydobuvannya’s wells, Oleg Hnativ noted that this modern and promising technology, which is widely used in the world, has many options of application and advantages in specific conditions of standard operations during fracturing.

It should be noted that such works became possible due to the modernization of the state-owned company's technological fleet. Now the company is involved in the process of development of wells, and after that it will be possible to talk about certain results.

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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