


Chernigovneftegazgeologiya, a subsidiary of Nadra of Ukraine JSC, restores oil production at the Shatravinskoe field. March surveys showed oil inflow in a well. The well has not been operating since January 2013. The company notes that the Tunivskaya zone of structures the field belongs to is still one of the most promising facilities of Nadra of Ukraine.

Ukrnafta received about UAH 774 million in repayment of receivables for oil supplied in 2015, starting from December 2019. This happened within the receivables restructuring plan under Ukrnafta amicable agreements with Techtrade Group LLC, Garant-UTN LLC, Galnafta LLC, Prykarpattyanaftotrade Trading House LLC and Kotlas LLC.
Restructuring provides for debt installment within 3-6 years. The payment amount will also include interest accrued on the balance of the debt after January 2020. As of the beginning of December 2019, the amount of debt was UAH 7.47 billion.
Resulting from the first three months of 2020, DC Ukrnefteburenie PJSC produced 197 MMCM of natural gas, which is 19% more than in the same period of the previous year. Production of oil and condensate saw 13% increase compared to the same period in 2019 and amounted to 23.2 thousand tons. In total, for the first quarter of 2020, the company increased hydrocarbon production at the Sakhalinskoe field by 11% compared to the same period of the previous year.



Naftogaz Group entered into Production Enhancement Contract with Expert Petroleum.

Pursuant to the terms of the contract, Expert Petroleum in the first 5 years of cooperation commenced to invest about UAH 1 billion ($ 30 million at the predictive rate) in stimulation, well drilling and infrastructure development, and, potentially, to make more investments in the future. The term of the contract is 15 years with the possibility of extension for another 10 years.
Naftogaz expects to receive at least 300 MMCM of gas from 13 small fields in Western Ukraine within 5 years.
Fields in question are classified as depleted. Expert Petroleum focuses right on such assets and has a large experience in successful increase in production at such facilities up to 150% above the baseline.
On March 27, 2020, Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC held a tender for overhaul of oil and gas wells using a complex of coiled tubing and nitrogen-compressor equipment.
NTP Burovaya Tekhnika LLC won 2 out of 8 lots worth UAH 153.6 mln.
Such companies as Service Oil LLC, Region LLC, TAKR Ukraine LLC, Horizonty Drilling Company LLC, Hilong Oil Service and Engineering Ukraine LLC, Poltava Drilling Company LLC took part in the tender.
The contract provides for washing, development, sand blast perforation, installation of cement plugs, selective waterproofing and other works using a complex of coiled tubing and nitrogen-compressor equipment.
The State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine updated the Single Window of the subsoil user and now one can make an appointment with the Service specialist through the online calendar.
One can order a consultation of specialists of the Service online. To do this, it is required to indicate the topics and questions of interest, choose the day and time convenient for you to receive explanations. For the period of lockdown, the service operates in the mode of telephone consultations.
IPL online training platform continues to receive applications for an idea contest among students and young specialists in the oil and gas industry. You need to present your idea in the form of an annotation - up to 450 words and no more than 3 slides of the idea presentation. The assessment will take place in six categories. You can find more details on Facebook project page - IPL training platform.
As one of the judges of the contest, Mikhail Bratakh, head of the ground infrastructure department at Ukrgasvydobuvanny JSC, noted, he expects the participants to take a creative approach in the vision of further development of the oil and gas industry and possible ways to increase hydrocarbon production, as well as confident presentation of their ideas.
Participants are required to send a letter with the application and presentation by mail:



IPL online training platform holds an idea competition among students and young oil and gas specialists. The project organizers said that the competition participants were required to present their idea in the form of annotation - up to 450 words and no more than 3 idea presentation slides. The assessment will take place in six categories. One may choose any of the following:

- Feology and exploration
- Reservoir management
- Drilling
- Engineering
- Production
- Industry improvement
Six winners will be determined following the results of the competition who will receive gift sets from the main partner, the largest country’s gas producer - Ukrgasvydobuvannia JSC. The winners will also receive an advice with the best HR specialists on composing worthy CVs.
In addition, Newfolk OGCC will award the winner with free participation in the largest industry conference of the year - the 7th Newfolk International Oil and Gas Conference to be held on May 28-29 in Lviv. The winner will be compensated for the full package of the participant, as well as travel and accommodation expenses.
A letter with the manual and presentation are to be sent to organizers’ mail:
JKX Oil & Gas summed up the results of the first three months of the year, having published a report on the London Stock Exchange. JV PPC saw a 7% increase in hydrocarbon production over the three months of 2020, from January to March. The increase in natural gas production was 1% (715 TCM per day), while the increase in oil and petroleum production was 38% (1.115 b/d). The company also commissioned a new well at the Ignatovskoe field, having produced 157 barrels of oil and 65 TCM of gas per day.
SmartEnergy also informed about hydrocarbon production increase. In the first quarter of 2020, SmartEnergy companies saw a 7.8% increase in the total average daily gas production compared to the same period in 2019: from 981 TCM/day to 1.06 MMCM/day. The average daily condensate production during the reporting period actually reached 0.1 thousand tons/day, or 6.3% of increase.



Ukrgazvydobutok (SmartEnergy Group) successfully overhauled and restored operation of two wells at the Ostroverkhovskoe field in the Kharkiv region. This made it possible to increase the average daily gas production by 75 TCM/day in 2020. According to the company, overhaul of the well No. 61 was started at the end of January, and in early March well operation was restored with gas flow rate of 25 TCM/day. Operation of another well was restored in early April. Following switching the well No. 62 to the overlying horizon, commercial hydrocarbon flow from the B-15 horizon was obtained for the first time at the field and its commercial value as the development facility was confirmed.

According to Victor Dudzich, CEO of SmartEnergy Group of Companies, the overhaul efficiency was achieved through the use of modern high-performance technologies and materials, as well as the use of unique technical solutions at the stage of perforation and testing.
Oil and gas companies are actively involved in providing assistance to medical institutions amidst combating the pandemic. So, Regal Petroleum Corporation Limited representative office transferred UAH 1.15 million to the Lokhvitsa district hospital. Ukrgasvydobuvannya provides assistance to 11 central district hospitals to purchase equipment, medicines and personal protective equipment.
Prirodnye Resursy JSC transferred UAH 350 thousand to purchase artificial respirators for the Lokhvitsa district hospital.
In turn, Vostochny Geologicheskiy Soyuz LLC transferred UAH 321 thousand to purchase 3 ЮМ-300-15 monitors for the Mirgorod central district hospital to be used for continuous monitoring of the patient's condition at all stages of medical care and also provided UAH 50 thousand of charitable assistance to the Poltava regional branch of the Red Cross of Ukraine for the needs of the Poltava regional clinical isolation hospital.
Yuri Vitrenko, Naftogaz CEO, noted on his Facebook page that his team formulated and submitted additional “questions” to Gazprom for extra USD 17.3 billion to be approved by Naftogaz Supervisory Board.



GEO ALLIANCE Group of Companies successfully overhauled the well No. 28 at the Lutsenkovskoe field.
In early March, the company on its own performed overhaul of the well No. 28 at the Lutsenkovskoe field (Lokhvitsa district, Poltava region). The aim of the work was the transition to the overlying horizon. The overhaul was carried out by the ZJ-20 mobile drilling rig.
The first results of the well testing following the overhaul showed an initial production rate of more than 170 TCM of natural gas per day, significantly exceeding expectations. The well is now in stable operation.
According to the technical manager of GEO ALLIANCE Group of Companies Igor Kinakh, the successful overhaul was possible thanks to the professionalism and coordinated work of the company's professionals.
The second round of the PSA competitions at the Grunivskoe and Akhtyrskoe fields found the winner - the European energy concern EPH.
Also, the PSA Inter-departmental Commission, by its majority, recommended recognizing the British YorkEnergy as the winner of the competition for the development of the Ichnyanskoe oil and gas field.
In total, six Ukrainian and foreign companies applied for the competition.
Oil and gas experts created online training platform -dependentPetroleumLeaders. The online session program is designed for students of technical specialties who plan to work in the gas industry. The speakers are practical experts who are ready to share their experience with future colleagues in the format of interactive lectures. Representatives of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University joined the initiative. The project was backed by Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC, international professional associations - SPE, AAPG and SEG, information support is provided by Oil and Gas of Ukraine, About Gas of the Country. According to Mikhail Bratakh, co-organizer of the platform, the project will evolve and rise to a new level.

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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