


Naftogaz Exploration and Production established the Expert Council consisting of 11 leading national scientists and practitioners in the field of geological exploration and recovery of hydrocarbons. As the company notes, the Expert Council will hold regular meetings and offsite meetings, which resulted in further recommendations and proposals regarding exploration and development of Naftogaz’s fields. The company will consolidate these developments and apply them in its work.

According to the operational data of Ukrnafta PJSC, in July 2020 the company produced 125.9 thousand tons of oil and condensate, 94.6 mmcm of gas, which, respectively, 0.6% and 3.4% less compared to the same period 2019.
Average daily hydrocarbon production in July amounted to 4.06 thousand tons of oil and condensate, 3.05 mmcm of gas, slightly decreasing compared to last year.
Belarusian oilmen introduced a new technology to intensify oil production. It comes to cluster multistage hydraulic fracturing (HF) using Plug&Perf technology, the press service of the company reported. Technological operations were successfully completed at the well No. 67 at the Severo-Domanovichskoe field. The operations involved employees of the grouting department, department for enhanced oil recovery and well workover, as well as logging department. The specialists of the BelNIPIneft Institute supported the events. The customer was NGDU Rechitsaneft.



Alexandr Tertychenko took the lead of Weatherford Ukraine LLC. Previously, he served as head of Advanced Drilling (Well Workover) Department. In turn, Natalia Rudevich moved to Naftogaz Ukrgasvydobuvannya.

UGV mastered and launched a new 109 Timofeevka production well from the B-16 horizon. The actual flow rate is 140 mcm/day with the expected flow rate of 20-80 mcm/day. Sanzhar Zharkeshov, Deputy General Director for Exploration and Field Development at Naftogaz Ukrgasvydobuvannya, reported this on his Facebook page.
According to him, a team of developers and geologists laid down this well to further identify and implement the potential of brownfield assets in the company's portfolio. He also added that implementing BF residual potential is the fastest victory in increasing production and reserves growth.
Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC expects to improve the efficiency of its Egyptian project. It comes to optimizing investment and strengthening cooperation with the country's authorities, the company notes.
At the annual meeting, shareholders of Petrosannan Company, a joint operator of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC and the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), agreed to revise and activate key infrastructure projects and optimize overall costs.
They also discussed joint projects to develop new concession territories in Egypt.
Sergey Pereloma, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Naftogaz, met with the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of the Arab Republic of Egypt Mr. Tarek El-Molla.
"I would like to note the constructive stand of all parties during this meeting. The Minister assured that Naftogaz is a very important investor for Egypt. He also noted that both the ministry and the Egyptian partners from the concession agreements support all Naftogaz’s initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency of investments and issued appropriate instructions," Sergey Pereloma said.



UKR SKS LLC in conjunction with ESCO-PIVNICH LLC and YuBK LLC incorporated in BURISMA GROUP structure, while cementing the first section of the 140/168 mm production string at one of the wells with a bottomhole depth of 4,000 m, managed to find a successful solution to a complex technological task - hydrodynamic differentiation of aquifers and gas-bearing horizons with an insulating barrier 0.8 m thick and without its between these layers. The result was to seal the annular space as efficiently as possible as evidenced by MPD results and to obtain the industrial inflow of hydrocarbons from the well. As Burisma Group reports, "the initial flow rate of the new well amounted to more than 200 MCM of gas and 105 tons of condensate per day. The daily production of the well turned out to be higher than expected."
Arkona Gas-Energy, which is part of Smart Energy group and holds a special permit for the development of the Svistunkovsko-Chervonolutskoe field (Poltava region), completed preparation of the site for drilling the first well. The work is expected to be launched at the end of 2020. The new well will be the first well drilled in the field since 1994.
Ukrnafta PJSC received almost UAH 1 billion in discharge of historical accounts receivable. The company reports that during May-July 2020, Ukrnafta received more than UAH 250 million to pay off accounts receivable for oil supplied in 2015. Starting from December 2019, the total amount of redeemed debt was about UAH 1 billion.



Ukrnafta PJSC reported Oleg Gez appointment to the position of Chairman of the Board since July 31, 2020. The appointment was made in compliance with the decisions of the Supervisory Board of the company.

Oleg Gez joined Ukrnafta team in 2016, first as the Director of the Planning and Performance Management Department, and since October 2017 as the Executive Vice President for Sales who is also a member of the company's Board. Since May 1, 2019, he was temporarily acting as Chairman of the Board.
Among his priority tasks, Oleg Gez sees the solution of the issue of historical tax arrears, problems existing in the system of oil auctions, as well as overcoming the crisis phenomena - first of all, the consequences of the lockdown and the fall in world prices and oil demand. In addition, one of the priorities is the stabilization of production and operating activities of the company.
The Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine expressed its concern about the situation involving Smart Energy Group of Companies. It comes to searches by NABU employees in the central office of the Group of Companies and in the office in the village of Yakhniki, Poltava region. According to the AGPU, such actions undermine the image of the gas industry in the eyes of foreign investors, in particular from the UK.
The AGPU notes that despite the pressure and unfavorable market situation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and the record decline in hydrocarbon prices, the Group of Companies during only 6 months of 2020 increased its own gas production by 9.5% and transferred UAH 519 million in taxes to budgets of all levels.
Chairman of the Board of Nadra of Ukraine NJSC commented on the restarting of work on the preparation of the new Code:
The work on the Subsoil Code of Ukraine was restarted. Chairman of the Board of NJSC Nadra of Ukraine NJSC Taras Kuzmich commented on the forthcoming task: “The work on the Code was restarted, we hope that the priorities and key points will be agreed upon by all participants within a month, after which we expect to discuss the final version of the document. We should take into account all the comments of market players and industry associations, so that the Code meets the requests of subsoil users. ”

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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