EVENTS OF THE MONTH: February 2021



Smart Energy started drilling a new well at the Sviridovskoe field. On February 23, the British company Enwell Energy, which is part of Smart Energy Group of Companies, started drilling the well No. 29 at the Sviridovskoe field (Poltava region). The drilling of a new well with a design depth of 5,450 m is to be completed in Q3 2021. Subject to further successful tests, commissioning is expected in Q4 2021.

Smart Energy also launched the well No. 25 at the Sviridovskoe field. The well No. 25 is an exploratory well.
“We carried out test studies at different operating modes of the new well. The current mode was determined as optimal and today the flow rate of this well helps us maintain positive production dynamics,” Viktor Dudzich, CTO of Smart Energy Group of Companies, commented.
The actual depth of the new well with drilling started in July 2020 is 5,320 m. It was commissioned ahead of schedule.
According to recent reports, Ukrnafta PJSC produced in January 2021 123.6 thousand tons of oil and condensate and 91.2 mmcm of gas, 4.6% and 10.1% down respectively compared to the same period 2020. Average daily hydrocarbon recovery in January amounted to 3.99 thousand tons of oil and condensate and 2.94 mmcm of gas, slightly decreasing compared to last year.
According to the company, it is due to a high level of depletion of the company's main fields and a limited investment program. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic and the fall in hydrocarbon prices largely affected the investment plans of all companies, without exception.




Oleg Tolmachev was appointed Deputy Director of Naftogaz Exploration and Production Division for production issues. Oleg Tolmachev has over 20 years of experience in hydrocarbon recovery in North America. He graduated in the United States with a degree in petroleum engineering and later worked in gas companies such as BP America, Chesapeake Energy, EnCana Oil&Gas USA, Eclipse Resources and Montage Resources. He headed high-tech projects for the development of large fields in North America with gas and gas condensate deposits in both conventional reservoirs (East Texas Deep Bossier) and tight rocks (Utica, Haynesville, Barnett, Marcellus, Granite Wash).
His main task at this position is “To introduce practices and technologies in Ukraine that will improve the efficiency of production at existing fields with optimal financial performance,” Alexandr Romanyuk, Director of Naftogaz Exploration and Production Division, informed.
Naftogaz Group reports that the flow rate of the restored well at the Komyshnyanskoe field in the Mirgorod district of the Poltava region is over 320 mcm per day.
The company says that the well restoration was a technically challenging task, as this field is deep and complex in its structure. A full launch was made possible after a series of complex repairs and stimulation operations at depths exceeding 6,000 meters. In particular, it was the first hydraulic fracturing operation that Naftogaz specialists performed at such a large depth.
NEURC and Ukrainian Energy Exchange signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation. The parties agree to join efforts to support the effective development and transparency of electricity and natural gas markets on behalf of market participants regarding the building-up of the integral and transparent energy market in Ukraine.



The Supreme Court of Ukraine confirmed the validity of Arkona Gas-Energy’s special permit for hydrocarbon recovery at the Svistunkovsko-Chervonolutskoe field (Poltava region), which since March 2020 is part of the Smart Energy Group of Companies and is the British public company Enwell Energy’s Ukrainian asset. This court decision opens up the opportunity for the company to widely develop the field and finally terminates this lawsuit against the company.

Ukrgasvydobuvannya also declared the end of the trial in its favor. Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC was granted full control over gas wells and compressor stations, which were in joint activity (JA) with Karpatygaz LLC and Misen Enterprises AB. The assets came into the ownership of Ukrgasvydobuvannya on the company's terms as defended in the Stockholm Arbitration.
Naftogaz Group paid more than UAH 7 billion in taxes to the state budget for January 2021. This is about 10% of total state budget revenues for this period.
Naftogaz invites potential contractors to discuss the matter of drilling waste management. The event on the prospects for cooperation between specialized companies and Ukrgasvydobuvannya on the rational drilling waste management will be held on February 17, 2021 at 13.00. To learn more information about the event, please contact: 098 558 99 99 (Yuri Bozhok).



Gas Storage Operator of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Energy Exchange signed an agreement on cooperation, which provides customers of gas storage (injection, withdrawal) services with the exchange standardized products for trading natural gas stored in underground storage facilities of Ukraine.

Cooperation between the Gas Storage Operator and the Ukrainian Energy Exchange will be implemented in two stages.
At the first stage, the Ukrainian gas market participants will be able to carry out trade operations with customs-cleared natural gas stored in storage facilities through the platform of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange.
At the second stage, the possibility of gas trading through the UEB trading platform will be applied to customers that store gas in the Ukrainian underground storage facilities in the "customs warehouse" and "customs warehouse + Short haul" mode. Thus, the new functionality will also be available for non-resident companies that store their gas in Ukraine. Now this service is at the stage of development and technical implementation and will become available to market participants approximately from the end of April 2021.
Gas Storage Operator of Ukraine completed January 2021 having largest gas reserves over the past 10 years. As of February 1, 20.9* bcm of gas were stored in underground storage facilities. At the same time, the volume of gas withdrawn from domestic UGS facilities in January 2021 exceeded the figures for the same period last year by 33%, reaching 2.6 bcm.
On the occasion of the anniversary of the Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic National University an innovative laboratory of integrated modeling equipped with the software by the British company Petroleum Experts Limited was opened.

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