


After being repaired, the well No. 203 at the Berezovskoe field produces over 100 mcm of gas per day, as Naftogaz Group reports. At the beginning of last autumn, the productive formation of the well was depleted causing the break off of gas production. To restore production, the company decided to carry out the workover of the well and move it to the overlying productive horizon. The operation appeared to be successful. The work was carried out by specialists of the UGV-SERVICE branch, who performed operations using workover machine and their own coiled tubing unit.

Naftogaz Group also announced an increase in production at the well No. 8 of the Valyukhovskoe field in the Poltava region. The increase was: 30% more gas and 40% more condensate per day. This result was possible due to a plunger lift - equipment for artificial lift - installed at a depth of 5,148 m. This depth indicator, according to Naftogaz, is a record for Europe.
Such equipment is already being used at the well No. 211 of the Oposhnyanskoe field, where the productivity of the well was increased by half thanks to this technology. Such projects pay off quite quickly - from 6 to 12 months, the company notes.
By the end of 2020, Ukrnafta kept its oil and condensate production at the level of 2019. The volume of recovery of liquid hydrocarbons amounted to 1.5 million tons, the average daily production of oil and condensate - 4.1 thousand tons/day. Natural gas production amounted to 1.13 bcm, 3% down compared to 2019 with the average daily gas production 3.1 mmcm/day. Liquefied gas production increased by 4.5% to 117 thousand tons.
Mavrikiy Kalugin, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Executive Vice President for Production and Refining:
"Last year was difficult for most enterprises, and Ukrnafta was of no exception. Over the past five years, my colleagues have done a lot to stop the decline in production at depleted fields. We managed not only to stop the decline, but also to increase production with minimal investment resources."



The State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine announced five electronic auctions for oil and gas sites to be held on April 21, 2021. The initial cost of 4 lots amounts to UAH 90 million. Investors concerned can study the offers on the Service's website.

The President signed the bill No. 3176 enabling the GTS Operator of Ukraine to purchase gas on the exchange.
The Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine notes the importance of this step towards creating a liquid gas market in Ukraine in accordance with EU standards. The document will create legislative mechanisms for a quick and prompt settlement of the issue of gas balancing.
GEO ALLIANCE Group of Companies summed up the results of 2020. Over the period, the Group produced 203 mmcm of gas, 32 thousand tons of oil and gas condensate, 19 thousand tons of liquefied gas and paid UAH 660 million in taxes.
The Group also successfully completed three workovers at the wells of the Lutsenkovskoe field, thereby increasing hydrocarbon recovery, and carried out updates both at existing wells and gas treatment plant.
The Group expects to back to a number of promising projects.
Naftogaz Group modernizes infrastructure. In January, the company launched a new gas pipeline connecting two fields - Chutovskoe and Rozpashnivskoe.
Thanks to this, the company obtained 150 mcm of additional gas production per day.
This figure was achieved due to redirecting the gas flow to the company's internal networks, thus reducing the operating pressure in the depleted field.
While constructing the facility, the company applied an innovative approach and an optimal contracting strategy, so it took only 8 months to construct 18.8 km gas pipeline and all the required infrastructure. The total capacity of the new gas pipeline is 500 mcm per day. It will provide gas supply for compression and complex preparation to the Khrestischenskaya booster compressor station.



On January 13, the government approved a resolution on signing eight agreements on hydrocarbon sharing to be produced within the Varvinsky site. The development is assigned to the foreign investor-the American company Aspect Energy. Varvinsky site is located in the Poltava and Chernihiv regions and occupies an area of 3,471 square kilometers. According to Nadra of Ukraine NJSC, there are 79 abandoned oil and gas wells within the site. The minimum amount of investment to be made during the first stage of geological exploration is UAH 1 billion.

Smart Energy Group published 2020 production results. Last year, the Group increased its total gas production by 8.6% and condensate production by 4.8%. In 2020, the total volume of natural gas produced by the Group's companies grew up to 400.6 mmcm (368.8 mmcm in 2019). Smart Energy also increased the total volume of gas condensate production amounting to 34.7 thousand tons (33.1 thousand tons in 2019). One new well was drilled and two workovers were completed during the past year. The Group also installed two new compressors, extended two special permits, became the holder of a new special permit for the development of the Svistunkovsko-Chervonolutskoe field through the acquisition of Arkona Gaz-Energia LLC.
Also this week, Naftogaz Group launched the first tight gas field (central basin type)-Svyatogorsk-into pilot development. DTEK Oil&Gas reported a new record in gas production – 1.84 bcm of natural gas in 2020, 11% up of the previous year, and became a new record for both the company and the entire private gas production of Ukraine.
Experts of the oil and gas market noted the increase in gas prices. In particular, the price of LNG in Europe was USD 9.6/MMBtu on January 13, which is higher than the price of LNG in Asia, which was USD8.6/MMBtu. This ratio was recorded for the first time in the last six years.
Oil prices show an upward tendency. So, a barrel of oil was sold at USD 56 on January 12.

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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