EVENTS OF THE MONTH: September 2020



DTEK Neftegaz carried out repair of a deep well through snubbing. Repair of the well No. 43 of the Semirenkovskoe gas condensate field with a depth of 5,605 m allowed increasing the flow rate, and the use of snubbing made it possible to operate the well during the entire period of the repair amounting to 15.5 days.

The work was carried out involving the main contractor Denimex Workover Solutions LLC using a modern 150-ton RDE-340K snubbing unit manufactured in 2019. Weatherford Ukraine was involved in blasting-perforation operations of the productive horizon.
Also this week, DTEK reminded about the mini-grant contest “Improve Your Community with Your Own Hands”. This year, residents of Machukhovskaya and Velikosorochinskaya OTGs of Poltava region, where DTEK operates oil and gas business, participate in the contest.
Active citizens apply for projects for the improvement of communities, after which the competition committee will determine the winning projects, which will be provided with funding. The amount of one grant can reach UAH 85 thousand.
According to recent data, in August 2020, Ukrnafta PJSC produced 125.4 thousand tons of oil and condensate and 92.9 mmcn of gas, which, respectively, is 2.5% and 8.2% less compared to the same period of 2019. Average daily hydrocarbon production in August amounted to 4.04 thousand tons of oil and condensate and 2.99 mmcm of gas, slightly decreasing compared to last year.
The State Geological Information Fund of Ukraine backed by the State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine started publishing the State Reserves Committee’s protocols on the official website of the enterprise since April 2020. At the moment, 4,262 documents have been published in open access.
According to the head of the State Geological Service Roman Opimakh, this makes it possible for market participants to assess the quality of the available geological information by facilities, use it and make an investment decision.



Natalia Rudevich was appointed Director of Oil and Gas Services of the Naftogaz Technical Support Division at Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC.

Natalia has over 20 years of experience in project management in various fields. In particular, she took executive positions at Weatherford for the last 10 years. Prior to that, she worked in the Ukrainian division of the international consulting and audit company KPMG in the tax and legal consulting department.
“I am honored to join the Naftogaz Group professional team. I expect to contribute to the development of the company's service divisions. Undoubtedly, Naftogaz has already completed large-scale work in this area, but the market is developing rapidly and there is a field for development. My task will be to introduce international practices, primarily in labor safety, and standardize production processes in compliance with the world's leading practices,” Natalia Rudevich commented on her appointment.
UGV notes that Asan Rakhi, who served as Deputy CEO of Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC for oil and gas services, moved on to deal with other projects of Naftogaz Group.
The Verkhovna Rada supported the bill No. 3176 "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement "regarding natural gas purchase."
According to Aleksey Dubovskiy, Head of the Exchange Committee of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange, this is the new possibility for the GTS Operator to purchase gas from the UEB.
He also added that the participation of the GTS Operator in exchange trading will help increase the liquidity of the Ukrainian gas market and give a start to solving the problem of imbalances, which today deforms the energy market of Ukraine and generates losses in the system.
Ukrnafta PJSC to refuel Ukrvaktsina’s cars for free. This was announced in the company’s press release. Ukrnafta PJSC entered into a social partnership agreement with the state enterprise Ukrvaktsina, which is part of the structure of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The company will provide for free 14 thousand liters of diesel fuel for the needs of trucks involved in the transportation of personal protection devices for medical workers throughout the country.
The British company Enwell Energy plc, part of the Smart Energy Group of Companies, reports production and financial unaudited results for H1 2020. So, Enwell Energy plc enhanced its total average daily hydrocarbon recovery by approximately 8% in the six months of this year, whereas the company's income fell by 21.1%, Enwell Energy informs the AIM London Stock Exchange.
The increase in production by the Representative Office of Regal Petroleum Corporation Limited in H1 2020 compared to H1 2019 was made possible due to commissioning of the well No. 119 at the Mekhedovsko-Golotovschinskoe field in October last year and the well No. 54 at the Sviridovskoe field in May this year. At the same time, the production level at the Vasishchevskoe field was lower than last year’s one due to lower productivity of the well No. 10.



Poltava Polytechnic hosted the VI International Industry Forum for Oil and Gas Professionals. This time the event was called “Production. Intensification. Well Workover." Yuri Kondratyuk National University is traditionally the main platform for meeting and cooperation of representatives of business, government, education and science.

Participants of the VI International Industry Forum were about a hundred representatives of the Ukrainian producing, drilling and service companies, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, the State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine, the Poltava Regional State Administration, the State Labor Office in the Poltava region, the Siemens Ukraine company, the Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine, Oil and Gas of Ukraine Association, Union of Drillers of Ukraine.
The traditional event during the Forum is testing according to the Newfolk industry rating system for teachers and students of the university, college, as well as employees of oil and gas companies.
During the VI International Industry Forum “Production. Intensification. Well Workover" Rector of the Yuri Kondratyuk National University Vladimir Onishchenko presented the oil and gas training and production center to introduce the intellectual potential of scientists into the real sector of the economy.
The center has a laboratory of drilling fluids and flushing fluids of DTEK Neftegaz and Geosintez Engineering LLC, a chemistry laboratory, oil and gas training and research ground.
Ukravtogaz’s network of CNG filling stations together with Scania Ukraine LLC carried out a test drive of Scania G410 truck with a 13-liter gas engine (LNG/CNG). The aim was to test the vehicle in real conditions and test out the economic and operational performance.
Over the last few years, there has been an increased interest in natural gas trucks in Ukraine because of the lower cost of this type of fuel compared to diesel, as well as for environmental reasons. Considering the lack of experience in operating Scania heavy-duty trucks running on methane in Ukraine, Ukravtogaz’s network of CNG filling stations together with Scania Ukraine decided to make a test drive in order to reveal all the advantages and possible risks and give answers to the most common questions to those carriers who wants to switch their truck fleet to natural gas methane.



DTEK Oil&Gas won the electronic auction for the sale of a special permit for the use of subsoil of the Budishchansko-Chutovskaya area. The company offered the highest price - UAH 650,500,000.

5 national gas producers competed for the promising oil and gas area in the Poltava region with proven gas reserves of 856 mmcm and oil reserves of 2,730 thousand tons. As a result of the auction, the price saw a 700% increase compared to the starting price, which is the absolute record for the sale of the oil and gas special permit for subsoil use.
The Ukrainian Energy Exchange, backed by the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, the EBRD and the Energy Community, is launching a short-term natural gas market in Ukraine in accordance with the European standards. Since September 2020, the UEE has been launching its trading platform as a service to settle daily imbalances by customers of transportation services.
Together with the GTS Operator of Ukraine, the UEE is working on the launch of the next stage in the work of the trading platform - short-term standardized products trade with providing physical entry/ exit to/out of the GTS for the GTS Operator’s final balancing of the system. This is the service to be rendered for TSO with providing mechanisms to guarantee the physical balancing of the GTS.


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