For the first time in Ukraine UKRNAFTAGAZSERVIS LLC used a Resonator X3 downhole oscillator when drilling directional well

Author: Serhiy Landar, Head of Service Department, Ukrnaftagazservis LLC

Resonator X3 downhole oscillator was used to optimize the operation of the BHA and increase the efficiency of drilling directional well. The well had a J-shaped profile, a maximum zenith angle of 25 degrees and horizontal displacement of 562 m.


The use of the Resonator X3 allowed for the following benefits:

·      in the range of 4,051–5,076 m the BHA perfect controllability and high quality of slides is received;

·      the time to orient the deflector was significantly reduced;

·      friction of the drill string with the walls of the well was reduced;

·      smooth bringing of axial load to a bit is provided;

·      a stable pressure drop is obtained;

·      "stucking" of the drill string during the slide was minimized, which removed the failure of the BHA and the impact of the bit shocks;

·      compared to the previous well, the slide ROP was increased by 65%. In the range of 4,900–5,076 m, the ROP of 3.9 m/h was obtained, while during the trajectory adjustment work on the previous well in the range of 4,900–5,100 m, the ROP of 2.4 m/h was obtained when drilling a slide;

·      the risk of the drilling tool sticking was reduced thanks to micro vibrations on X, Y, Z axes.

Obtaining almost 100% quality of slides allowed withstanding the design profile of the well, it also reduced the total time for drilling by reducing the number and length of slides.


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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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