Methane tracker Reducing methane emissions from oil and gas operations


Oil and gas producers that can demonstrate that they are taking strong action to reduce methane emissions can credibly argue that their resources should be preferred over higher-emission options. It is crucial for the oil and gas industry to be proactive in limiting, in all ways possible, the environmental impact of oil and gas supply, and for policy makers to recognise this is a pivotal element of global energy transitions.

Emissions levels and abatement potentials are based on sparse and sometimes conflicting data, and there is a wide divergence in estimated emissions at the global, regional and country levels.
The estimates shown represent our best understanding of emissions from oil and gas operations based on currently available data. They are designed to help governments and other stakeholders understand the magnitude of the issue, but given the uncertainty that exists, they are clearly not the last word. We aim to update these estimates as new and improved data become available. (See the World Energy Model documentation [PDF] for further information on how these estimates are produced)
As part of our ongoing efforts, we aim to include in the methane tracker all estimates from other groups, institutions or data sources of oil and gas-related methane emissions that can be directly compared with the estimates shown here.
We are in the process of compiling a database of audited or peer-reviewed estimates that provide country-level data on methane emissions from all oil and gas operations, or country-level estimates of emissions from the listed parts of the value chain, e.g. oil/gas upstream or downstream. These will be included here once this database has been assembled.
You are welcome to let us know of relevant reports or studies by mail at

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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