

Gas imports from the European Union amounted to 3.9 BCM in four months.

In January-April, natural gas imports to Ukraine from EU countries amounted to 3.9 BCM, which is 1.4 BCM or 59% more than in the same period in 2019. This is reported by the press service of the GTS Operator.
Interalia, 2.4 BCM were imported from Slovakia (+ 91% compared to the same period last year), from Hungary - 0.9 BCM (+ 26%), from Poland - 0.6 BCM (+ 28%). The GTS Operator notes that imports from Poland also includes a virtual reverse, which first became available at the early year - 0.38 BCM.
In March-April 2020, Ukrnafta PJSC increased natural gas production by 3.4%, compared to the same period in 2019, up to 200.8 MMCM of gas.
This is reported by the press service of Ukrnafta.
The company saw a 1% increase in oil and condensate production compared to the same period in 2019, up to 257.2 thousand tons. Average daily hydrocarbon production in March-April amounted to 4,220 tons of oil and condensate and 3.29 MMCM of gas, slightly increasing compared to last year.
The company managed to achieve high production results under limited investment resources thanks to a number of operations on the available well stock: transition to new productive horizons, optimization of workover and maintenance of prospective wells, replacement of critically worn-out equipment.
In Q1 2020, Ukrnafta completed workover at 38 wells, carried out 8 stimulation operations and restored 59 wells to production.
In January-February 2020, Ukrnafta increased gas production by 3.3% - up to 195.7 MMCM compared to January-February 2019.

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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