

According to the operational data of JSC "Ukrtransgaz", in January, the flow of natural gas from gas companies in the Ukrainian GTS increased by 1% compared with the first month of last year. A total of 1.8 bcm of natural gas was delivered.

In total, in January 2019 for the Ukrainian consumers of all categories the main gas pipelines carried out transportation of 4.4 billion cubic meters of gas, which, in turn, is 1% less than in 2018 rock.

The volume of gas imported to Ukraine in January decreased by 0.6 billion cubic meters, or 69%, to 02 billion cubic meters.

In January, the selection from underground storage facilities amounted to 2.7 billion cubic meters. meters of gas, which is 23%, or 0.5 billion cubic meters. m more than a year earlier. As of January 31, 2019, 11.2 billion cu. m of blue fuel, which is 11% or 1.3 billion cubic meters. m less than a year ago.

According to operational data, the extraction of JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" in January 2019 is 1.335 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which is 2.4% higher than the same period last year, namely, 32 bcm

Ukrnafta, the largest oil producing company, produced 98.76 million cubic meters. m of gas, and other companies - 382, 1 bcm.

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