According to Ukrtransgaz, natural gas production in Ukraine for the first half of 2019 increased by 2.8% - up to 10.49 BCM compared to January-June 2019.
In particular, gas production by the largest gas producer Ukrgazvydobuvannya increased by 1.7% - up to 7.66 BCM during the six months of 2019. Ukraine’s largest oil producer
Ukrnafta in January-June 2019 produced 572 MMCM of gas, while other companies - 2.25 BCM.
At the same time, the daily average production of natural gas comes down since February. In June it amounted to 56.5 MMCM/day against 58.7 MMCM/day in February.
In June, the largest gas producer in Ukraine, JSC Ukrgazvydobuvannya, opened two new fields in the Kharkiv and Poltava regions. In addition, Ukrgazvydobuvannya bought seven lots during the third on-line auction. The company was granted licenses for the Yasenska, Goshkivska, Kokhovska, Orelsko-Brusivska, Rozdolivsko-Uspenivska-1, Rozdolivsko-Uspenivska-2 and Bolekhivsko-Smilianska areas