

Natural gas production in Ukraine in the first 5 months of 2020 compared to the same period last year saw a 3% decrease amounting to 8.522 BCM. This is evidenced by the GTS Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU).

8.8 BCM of gas was produced during the corresponding period of last year.In May 2020, Ukraine produced 1.724 BCM of natural gas, which is 3% more than in April 2020 and 3.2% less than in May last year.
Average daily gas production during the month amounted to 55.6 MMCM, which is about 240 MCM less than in April.
In January-May 2020, Ukrnafta PJSC increased oil and condensate production by 0.9% (5.8 thousand tons) compared to the same period last year - up to 638.3 thousand tons, gas - by 2.2% (10.7 MMCM), up to 493.2 MMCM, Energoreform reports.
According to the press release of the company, in May Ukrnafta PJSC produced 128.9 thousand tons of oil and condensate and 96.7 MMCM of natural gas, which is 1.3% (1.8 thousand tons) and 1.7% (1.7 MMCM) less than the same month in 2019.
Average daily hydrocarbon production in May of this year amounted to 4.16 thousand tons of oil and condensate (versus 4.22 thousand tons in May 2019) and 3.12 MMCM of gas (3.17 MMCM).
As reported, gas imports from the EU for 5 months of 2020 grew by 32% - up to 5.25 BCM.

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