OVERVIEW OIL AND GAS: September 2020


For 9 months of 2020, the GTS Operator of Ukraine transported 14.8 bcm of gas from Europe to Ukraine at the request of its customers. This is 28% (3.2 bcm) more than in the same period last year.

This is reported by the press service of the GTS Operator of Ukraine.
According to the GTS Operator of Ukraine, the current volume of gas imports from European countries is 62% higher than the average in the corresponding periods in 2016-2019.
"This is a record figure of natural gas supply from the EU in the last five years. I would like to note that Ukraine imports only a third of the imported gas. The rest ordered by traders goes to underground gas storage facilities. Additional storage volumes strengthen the state's energy security and opportunities for the domestic market, as, if necessary, later Ukrainian traders will be able to agree with the owner to buy this gas, which is already on our territory, " Serhiy Makogon, CEO of the GTS Operator of Ukraine, commented.
He recalled that since October Moldova also started storing gas in the Ukrainian UGSs, the first deliveries have already taken place.
In 9 months of 2020, imports from Slovakia amounted to almost 9.7 bcm (+ 33% compared to the same period last year), from Hungary - almost 3.7 bcm (+ 14%), from Poland - almost 1.5 bcm (+ 33%).
In particular, 46% or 6.8 bcm: from Slovakia - almost 3.1 bcm, from Hungary - almost 2.8 bcm, from Poland - almost 1 bcm were imported through the backhaul, which first became available earlier this year.
Since the beginning of the year, 9.8 bcm of imported volumes were sent to UGSs to be stored in the "customs warehouse" mode. Of them, 62% (or 6.1 bcm) came in the "shorthaul - customs warehouse" mode and 38% (3.8 bcm) - in the "border - customs warehouse" mode.
In total, 72 traders ordered gas transportation from the EU to Ukraine in January-September: 45 Ukrainian companies and 27 foreign ones. Over 50 companies used shorthaul and "customs warehouse" services, most of which are non-residents.

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