

The 300th fracturing operation under the program for the development of industrial implementation of the method took place at the Bilche-Volytske field in Western Ukraine

While Ukraine is celebrating the receipt of Tomos and the Christmas, Ukrgazvydobuvannya contractors, along with operating crews of the Lviv GPD, apply modern designs and approaches to old wells.

The 300th fracturing operation under the 20/20 program was the third for this field: previous results showed an increase in production from 2 to 19 and from 9 to 34 thousand cubic meters of gas per day. The remaining wells of the field continue to show 5,000 cubic meters of gas per day on the average.

The 300th fracturing operation under the program took place at a depth of 900 meters in the well No. 601 at the Sarmatian stage (ND-11 and ND-12).

If at the beginning of the Program, Ukrgazvydobuvannya geologists and miners diffidently offered candidate well for hydraulic fracturing, then the growth of skill and gain in planning and designing experience feed into expansion in the number of candidate wells! If two years ago, among thousands of gas wells drilled in Western Ukraine, geologists could not offer any candidate to increase production, then now the situation changed dramatically: currently experts think only about the technical condition of the equipment and prepare wells for hydraulic fracturing. If at the beginning of the first 100 fracturing operations skeptics asked the question: what comes next? – then at the beginning of the fourth 100, the state-owned company modernized well underway its own fracturing fleet and is about to compete with foreign specialists.

Involving foreign contractors in hydraulic fracturing resulted in the development of the method inside Ukraine, forced to develop the scientific and technological base and modernize its own fracturing equipment.
Modernized hydraulic fracturing units in-use pictured.

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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