The VII Newfolk International Oil and Gas Conference took place on July 2-3, 2020


For the first time, the Newfolk conference was held in two formats at once - traditional offline and online stream on several social platforms. Using remote communication with some speakers made it possible for them to have a virtual presence and a direct communication with conference participants.
Already on the first day of the broadcast, there were more than 10,000 views of the thematic sessions of the VII Newfolk International Oil and Gas Conference.
New working conditions require prompt and balanced decisions. The Newfolk team made significant efforts to put the traditional oil and gas event into reality. This year it happened in a mixed format, in compliance with all safety requirements.
The invited speakers and guests appreciated efforts of the Newfolk team, which contributes to the further development of the oil and gas production and oil service market of Ukraine.

The strategic session was started by Oleksandr Romaniuk, Director of Exploration and Production Division at Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC, who outlined the further vision of the company's development. In particular, he noted the important role of strengthening the team with highly qualified professionals who have recently been appointed to key management positions in the company. Oleksandr Romaniuk also stressed the importance of cooperation with international partners and the prospects for the development of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits.
In turn, Ivan Gafich, DTEK Oil&Gas Director of Exploration and Advanced Drilling, prepared a program report. He gave an example of the development of gas reserves in the deep horizons of the Machukhskoe GCF. In particular, the company carried out large-scale 3D seismic, involved experienced international companies and made significant investments. As Ivan Gafich noted, new technologies play a key role in working with complex geological facilities.

Yuri Vitrenko, former executive director of Naftogaz NJSC, devoted his report to the "Oil and gas strategies in a down economy." He outlined a number of the most important factors affecting the development of the industry in modern conditions. One of them is the fall in gas prices. As possible solutions that help the industry develop, he sees the application of a business model of cooperation with foreign partners that help involve leading technologies and investments in the industry. In addition, in his opinion, oil and gas companies should use a strategy to reduce costs and increase efficiency in every business process.
Yuriy Nagornyak, CEO of Sela Energy XXI, Executive Director of the Oil and Gas of Ukraine Association, reviewed Ukrainian oil and gas assets from a minority investor’s prospective. He shared the experience of assessing promising areas and cooperation with stakeholders.
Roman Opimakh, Head of the State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine, spoke about the modernized work of the Service, the upcoming auctions for oil and gas fields, the involvement of foreign investors and a modern approach to providing services to subsoil users.

CEO of Doitex LLC, Andriy Khimich, presented to the conference participants the latest stimulating fluids for coiled tubing technologies aimed at increasing hydrocarbon production.

Roman Storozhev, President of the Association of Subsoil Users of Ukraine, told about such issues of the gas market under the "corona crisis" as the price environment, the sale of resources to customers, the injection of resources into UGSs, producer-supplier, supply and demand issues.

Artem Petrenko, Executive Director of the Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine, voiced the priority steps for the development of the gas industry. This is, in particular, the extension of the state-guaranteed period of invariability of taxation of hydrocarbon recovery from new wells from 5 to 10 years; introduction of the incentive royalty rate to restore wells that have not produced hydrocarbons in the last 2 years and will be bring back to production by overhaul; introduction of royalty rates for oil and condensate production at the level of 6/12% from new wells similarly with the incentive regime for natural gas production and introduction of incentives to recover unconventional hydrocarbons.
Andriy Gadzhaman, Deputy Executive Director of the Oil and Gas of Ukraine Association, in turn, noted that the industry is waiting for a comprehensive law that will bring together the efforts of the market.

The second session of the first day of the VII Newfolk International Oil and Gas Conference was devoted to "Directional Drilling. Operation under AHRT and ALRT". Delegates' reports focused on technologies that allow working under abnormally high and abnormally low reservoir pressure.
Timur Turgunov (Drilling Advisor LLC) together with Serhiy Kravchuk (DC Horizonty) delivered a report on the installation of cement plugs without killing the well by injecting grout using coiled tubing unit.
The audience showed interest in the report "Technological Solutions for Primary and Re-Stimulation of Wells" presented by Andriy Myrko, CEO of Symoil UA LLC.
Speaking about promising areas of coiled tubing equipment development, Serhiy Serhienya, Chief Designer of NOV Fidmash, also told about the special equipment for online control of production processes, which is especially actual in the conditions of remote work.

The audience also took interest in the report "Modern Stimulation Solutions" by Oleg Kravchuk, CEO of NAFTOLCHIM LLC.
The second session was completed by the report of Serhiy Chekashkin, engineer-technologist of the well overhaul and coiled tubing technologies department of NTP Burova Tekhnika LLC, devoted to the "Experience of Using a Complex of Coiled Tubing Technologies in Modern Conditions of Field Development in Ukraine."
The third session of the conference - "Well Stimulation. Snubbing. Hydraulic Fracturing" - began with a joint report by representatives of Denimex Ukraine – CTO Serhiy Berlinets and head of business development of the company Serhiy Arkhipov - who shared information about heavy snubbing in Ukraine. You can read more about snubbing unit and the experience of its using here -

Traditionally, during the third session, CEO of NVP KARAT-BurServis Volodymyr Kalynovych spoke about ways to solve the problems of pitless drilling.
The first session ended with a report by Lyubov Shumska, Director of the Poltava College of Oil and Gas, Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic National University, prepared jointly with Volodymyr Onyschenko, Rector of the Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic National University.

The second day of the conference began with a report by Sanzhar Zharkeshov, Deputy Director of Exploration and Production Division at Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC - "The New Era of Exploration and Reservoir Management at Naftogaz". Sanzhar Zharkeshov has a unique experience of working with ultra-deep wells. A world record for drilling is on his account. Excellent results were achieved at the Z-40 oil well, 13,000 m, on Sakhalin Island, Russian Federation, in 2014.
In his speech, Sanzhar Zharkeshov stressed that in its activities the company will focus on such aspects as increasing the resource base of hydrocarbons and pumping up the the state budget. He also noted that the issue of the company’s development is closely related to the achievement of Ukraine’s energy independence. Among the company's strategic objectives, Sanzhar Zharkeshov outlined, in particular, the development of deep drilling, the study of the potential of the Carpathian region, the involvement of international expertise and close communication with leading geologists.
Myron Firman, Director of Geology at Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC, continued the thematic session. He shared information about the forecast models of the probability of discovering new hydrocarbon deposits. According to these data, the probability of discovering small deposits is over 50%, while the probability of discovering large deposits is much lower, but still exists.
According to him, geologists’ important tools in modern conditions are 3D seismic, logging methods of well research, the use of modern software and, most importantly, the analytical approach to the study of geologists’ materials.
The next report by the representative of SE Nadra of Ukraine and SE Ukrnaukageotsentr dealt with the capabilities of state-owned companies in providing services to customers and the introduction of new scientific, methodological and laboratory research in the process of oil and gas exploration.
The second day of the conference ended with a presentation of the study by Volodymyr Kobolev, Doctor of Geol. Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: "Oil and Gas Potential of the Black Sea: the Reality and Prospects of Drilling a Unique Ultra-Deep Well on the Zmiinyi Island."
You can view the record of the conference stream by following the link -

The NEWFOLK team expresses gratitude to our sponsors and partners for their support and belief in the need for the industry events we organize: Zakhidnadraservis, DC Horizonty, NOV Fidmash, Naftogaz NJSC, Weatherford, Denimex, DTEK.
Thank the conference guests who attended our event and everyone who joined us online!

Here is the link to broadcast record –

The first session:

The second session:

The third session:

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