Ukraine’s first risk contract was implemented by Sela Energy at the GEO ALLIANCE GROUP’s well


For the first time in the Sumy region, the project of inflow intensification was implemented in the Serpukhov formation.
Sela Energy acted as a party to the risk contact, and the Service Oil LLC - joined as an oil service subcontractor. Sela Energy notes the professionalism and very high level of the company's production culture.
It is also necessary to note the highly qualified workover service by Oranta-LTD LLC company, which performed works on preparation of the well for inflow intensification.
According to Yuri Nagornyak, CEO of Sela Energy, the complexity of the project was due to a number of factors.
First, there is only one well in this field that operates the required treatment interval. Petrophysical material in the well is limited. In this regard, there was no geomechanical model, as there was no experience of inflow intensification in this region in the Serpukhov formation. For this reason, the geomechanical characteristics of the target horizon were adjusted according to the actual data obtained after calibration injections directly in field conditions.
Secondly, the risk was posed by the aquifer in the immediate vicinity of the productive horizon thereby reducing the thickness of the reservoir: the design to intensify the inflow provided to limit the spread of cracks in height to prevent its connection with aquifers.
Work to intensify the inflow was started in December 2020. In January 2021, work was carried out to cause the inflow and select the optimal mode of operation of the well. It became possible to receive 4-fold increase in the inflow.
This is the first positive inflow intensification result obtained by Sela Energy for GEO ALLIANCE GROUP.
The peculiarity of this contract was that Sela Energy performed all design and installation work to equip the well for operation.
The management of GEO ALLIANCE GROUP noted the high quality of the work and the technical success of the operation to intensify the inflow. The company plans to consider the feasibility of performing similar work at other facilities.


Sela Energy implements comprehensive solutions for the development of fields with the option of its own investment. The company's priority is to select the optimal advanced solutions to optimize profitability and production.

Sela Energy is an investment accelerator for oil and gas assets. Partnership with an integrated company allows one to attract expertise and reduce financial risks. Terms of work with partners provide a willingness to invest equity and receive remuneration in stages.

Sela Energy provides services from engineering to full development with contractors, namely: audit, asset prospecting, data collection and research, geological and geomechanical modeling, dynamic modeling, downhole interventions, project implementation.

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ХІI Міжнародна нафтогазова конференція Ньюфолк НКЦ 29-30 травня 2025
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