Victor Erchenko. FIDMASH NOV: Technology and Development

Victor Erchenko, Head of Sales and Product Promotion Department, Fidmash CJSC


Fidmash is relatable to as a company producing coiled tubing equipment and nitrogen pumping systems. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are a multidirectional company. In our portfolio there are cementing plants, hydraulic fracturing equipment, all kinds of control and registration systems I will talk about later. And one of the inventions of our designers and electronic engineers is a remote control system.

Coming back to the production of coiled tubing equipment, I would like to note that we are constantly improving in this direction.

Wells are getting increasingly deeper. Therefore, we have to modernize the units in order to place pipes of the same length and diameter that are increasingly required for well treatment on standard units. But along with the modernization of the lengthening of the coiled tubing, the units are also undergoing the modernization of control systems and, accordingly, all hydraulic and mechanical systems. And, accordingly, as you can see in the figure below, we produced, together with Tatra, a unit that is better in terms of cross-country ability and engine reliability, and, accordingly, it has the Euro-5 standard. We are ready to present a new unit to operate in Ukraine.

We place coiled tubing not only on a single chassis. On this slide you can see the coiled tubing unit, which is called MK40 and is made on the basis of IVECO. This coiled tubing unit, as standard, has 7,000 meters of 45 mm pipe (44-45) or 50.8 mm pipe (5.5). But now we receive orders and questions for working in horizontal wells with the extended collector, liner. And we develop on a separate trailer or on two separate machines a plant to deal with 50.8 (two inches) and 60.3 (that is 2/3 eighths) pipes up to 6,000 meters long. Such pipes allow for working with any tool, installing packers, plugs, opening and closing shiftable sleeve. This is the near future of coiled tubing.

Together with coiled tubing, we are also developing our nitrogen plants. We produce both block units, plants for helicopter projects, semi-trailers units. We also work with all manufacturers of heavy equipment, and at the moment we are considering the supply of equipment based on MAN, Mercedes, Tatra and our traditional MZKT and even Kamaz. We are going to enter markets we have not yet mastered.

Injection equipment is one of the integral parts of the work in the CT. We have pumping units starting from the simplest: a truck or a container is equipped with a single 3-plunger or 5-plunger pump, depending on the needs of the customer. We also have units that are equipped with a heat generator, a compressor, or two-pump units. Ukrgasvydobuvannya, as I know, successfully uses our integrated units. This is a pumping and a nitrogen unit we will also continue to produce and improve them.

We also produce equipment for cementing wells. These are standard units with a capacity of 1.5 to 3 cubic meters per minute. We produce two-pump units with mixers and all the required control systems. They are also provided on any transport bases either in containers or on trailers.

Also, one of the interesting areas that is becoming increasingly popular is hydraulic fracturing equipment. We have all the possibilities to provide any transport version of the fleet: on cars, heavy trucks with high cross-country traffic, on semi-trailers, in container version. Also, we are now preparing a helicopter-based project. We can match the equipment according to your needs, depending on whether you are limited by space, whether you need high download speeds, special technological equipment or, on the contrary, small and having little weight. It lies in our power.

Automated control systems. As I said at the beginning of my presentation, I have been working with Fidmash’s equipment for a long time. Now I deal to improve and deliver it to those who need it. But at the beginning of my career as an oilman I used it directly for its intended purpose. So the equipment produced 20 years ago cannot be matched with what we have now. The last nitrogen plant we shipped to Schlumberger in Romania begins to pump according to a given program. And it's all controlled by the hardware with program set. For me, it was really a miracle, an engineering technology.

Also, we have the same devices and the same controllers on both pumping and coiled tubing units. We do not stand still, we keep up with the times in order to make our units more understandable, easier to manage and more secure. This equipment controls all issues related to safety, overshooting any set parameters or restrictions and, in general, protects not only the well and work performance, but also mainly people's lives.

Fidmash Online. This development of our designers and electronic engineers makes a very big deal not only for customers, but also for the owners of fleets where this equipment will be installed. From anywhere – from your home, office or just from a mobile device – you can control the current state of your complex technological equipment and the parameters of work. And you can see what kind of work your subordinates are doing, whether they are complying with the technology and whether they are doing everything right. This all is provided for by the Fidmash online program at minimal cost. It currently works in test mode. It can be tested for free. We will give access to those who have the program installed.

What is the strength and advantages of the company Fidmash over other manufacturers? Our advantages are design office, production space of more than 11 thousand square meters, full technological cycle: from the cleaned, welded iron sheets to the output of products to the test site, conducting full tests. We have our own well with conditions and parameters of tightening, pinching, full highest tractive force of the injector (tests). The excess pumping pressure and costs are verified. All this is happening on our territory. We also have a warehouse of original spare parts, which is also important. In most cases, we can provide our customers with delivery of spare parts within 2-3 weeks. Another our advantage is a well-adjusted logistics.

Another strong point of Fidmash is that we are part of the NOV corporation (National Oilwell Varco). This company has more than 60 years of history, of which over 40 years in the well intervention industry.

Global manufacturers’ experience. All the companies listed are involved to some extent in coiled tubing production (Hydra Rig, Texas Oil Tool). This is a well-known manufacturer of preventers, strippers, safety equipment. Quolity Tubing is one of the most powerful manufacturers and founders of CT production. Accordingly, Rolligon, Enerflow and CTES are manufacturers of software, software for hydraulic fracturing equipment. These companies have been monitoring their quality for more than 40 years and make some innovations and improvements to their products daily. More than 1,700 coiled tubing units by Hydra Rig and Fidmash operate worldwide. You can also see the figures: over 1,800 and over 2,000 units are nitrogen equipment and hydraulic fracturing equipment accordingly. Our company ensures the maintenance of the equipment. We not only sell the equipment, we provide our customers with after-sales service.

Fidmash has been in the market for over 20 years. We produced more than 400 units of equipment, which is successfully operated in more than 15 countries. We still expand our sales market. Our portfolio contains more than 70 unique models of coiled tubing and nitrogen hydraulic fracturing units, as well as more than 80 regular grateful customers who come to us from year to year for different reasons.

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